Thursday, November 5, 2009

Chicken Little Fact Check.

Today, at work, a grown man was almost in tears at the thought of "Swine Flu". About 4 people have died in the last month in Harris county.

You know what I find a lot more alarming? 1191 people will die today, of smoking. Yet it's legal.
Over 118 people will die today, in a car wreck. Yet, I got into a car not once, but twice today!
232 people are going to be killed by alcohol, yet my husband drinks, and so do all my loved ones.
Up to a thousand people died today of obesity related complications, and I still filled the vending machines with fattening goodies!
29 people were murdered today, and I still left the house.
Eleven, out of every 100,000 women, die due to childbirth in America, yet women are still having babies.

It's all about perspective. Here's my source:

I hate to see someone of average intelligence fall into the Chicken Little trap due to "News Poisoning". If the media covered all the choking deaths, no one would ever eat! Eleven people a year die in America, due to dog attacks! Where is the outrage?

Come on people.... yes, you're going to die, but you're a lot more likely to die of cancer.

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