Friday, September 11, 2009

Depression Action Plan

I considered titling this "Lest I forget" but I thought some might be confused and think it related to the date. Regarding the date, I'll be praying for the families.

I got kicked in the head with a NASTY depression today. Even an extra dose of my beloved lithium didn't cut it. I sat around, beating myself up for every mistake I've ever made, and wallowing in misery.

I finally realized, I need to do NICE THINGS for myself. I am failing myself. I need to have a plan, that I act on, when I realize I'm getting depressed.

Today, things were a bit complicated because I'm a little mixed. I want to shop, spend money, and talk a lot. I have been burning up my keyboard posting on message boards. And I'm depressed. Not fun.

So, even though I knew it was coming (I have been manic for at least a week), it still caught me off guard and I suffered needlessly. Not to mention, Ron had all the fun of watching me struggle.

* Realize I am getting depressed.
* Eat, and take another lithium
* Stay on eating plan - easy to eat "pity carbs"
* Choose at least a few items from the following list, and do them immediately:
Drink a nice cup of brewed tea - I love tea.
Drink a Diet RC if at work, or use coffee machine hot water tank to brew a teabag.
Make a plan of fun things to do on next day off.
Take a walk
Play with cat
Post on message board
Work in garden - hard to do at present due to remaining hives.
Do not allow myself to brood on "failures" or "things I haven't done"
Get active, do something I find fun - need to work on list
Make a Day Out and go shopping, even at Dollar store.
Consider stashing $20-$40 for emergency fund - maybe go to tearoom or something on the cash, if I'm strapped at the moment.
Eat a delicious bunless burger - out of the freezer or go buy one.
Fire up the smoker and cook something - that's always fun for me - don't beat myself up over landscaping.
Knit something fun and brainless, in happy colors
Get myself another drink (tea or soda).
Make some lunches for the week - cut up cheese and veggies for snacks.
Call my aunt.
Take a nice hot bath (not currently with hives!).
Mental note: Buy myself some nice bubble bath on my next Day Out
Look at Frosty photos and remember my sweet baby.
Consider volunteering at animal adoption center - work with cats.
Read a cute inspirational romance novel: Note to self - get a new debit card, call the number, and sign up for monthly delivery!

Just a few ideas, I'll post more as they come. Who knows, this might help someone else. :)

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