Thursday, October 17, 2024

On my break

 I think I got all the veggies I need.  

I got some Summer squash, purple cabbage, greens, celery, onion, red bell pepper, various mixed frozen veggies.  That is going to be a very good soup.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Parts of my day were very unusual

 Ride to work was pretty uneventful; the 6:30 bus (my second ride to work) was a little late so I caught her.  One of her regulars fell asleep on the bus and she shouted at him when she got to the stop, woke him up so he could go to work.  I was impressed enough I called in a compliment when I got off.  

Work was good, but very very odd.  I can't say much else.  My boss looks exhausted.  One of the Team Leads at work is very ill and nearly died, things are moving on without him of course (a corporation doesn't need you, ever).  Another team lead, one I like - (why?  Well he is a hard worker, kind manager, never gets angry, and I find him very appealing - there is just something about a guy with a close cropped beard!), confided he is getting ready to leave the store.  I gave him my number - he took it and called me so I could put his number in my phone book (!!).  

I told you it was a different day.  I am putting myself out there.  I have given my number to 3 guys in a week; or they have given me theirs, depending on how you look at it.  I don't plan to do anything extreme but it is nice to know they want contact.  

Anyway we were having a hushed conversation about his departure and I said something along the lines of "They don't need you - this place is a meat grinder" YES he replied.  "Look what happened" I said "To (the guy who almost died).  Just like my husband, he gave his life to his company and they replaced him in 2 days".  "Exactly" he replied "You've got to have balance" I continued "Time with people you love, that's the only thing that's important".  Someone came along so we stopped talking.  

I guess I can say this customers were misbehaving all day.  My boss was actually very sweet for her which was different.  

I got out of there at 4 and caught the early bus.  Don't know how I did that to be honest, most Wednesdays I'm stuck out there 40 minutes.  I went by the grocery store on the way home.  

I caught a different driver from the grocery store to the house and I had the "snack" for her.  She was thrilled to see it.  "You did something with your hair!' she cried "Let me SEE it!"  So I took out the elastic and shook out my ponytail, she loved it.  She was particularly thrilled I was interested in "a" bus driver and that he had said he liked it (he has, more than once).  It was a long walk home but I mainly had vegetables and a little fruit.  

I got a lot of frozen veggies, and some fresh, to make a big chicken and veggie soup this weekend.  Milk for Biscuit who was ecstatic.  A can of refried beans and some ready to eat cornbread from the bakery (they had a nice slice about 4 inches square for $1  Maybe 5 inches?).  

Biscuit's girlfriend (my friend at work) has been encouraging me to eat more fruits and vegetables so I thought I could bring her a nice banana and some of those little easy peel oranges.  

That's it for now.  

Very early Wednesday

 Last night at the transit center I was very tired and my feet hurt.  A homeless looking guy with a bike moved so I could sit down, we chatted a little bit.  If I believe him he got into drugs when his pregnant wife was killed in a drunk driving accident.  He didn't ask for money and was very polite and respectful.  We talked about pets mainly, he "stole" someone's neglected/abused dog from a drug house and that thing is his baby, much like me and Biscuit.  

Biscuit got on me this morning, purring, let me pet him.  I think he is unusual in that he is "unlimited pets wherever you want" on his body.  Spotty is very fussy only his head and shoulders, only for a little while.  Cleo only if I am lying in bed and she gets on me.  But Biscuit is any pet, any time, anywhere, for however long I want.  He's a good boy.  

One of my Metrolift drivers said Biscuit was "sexy" and oddly enough it does apply even though he's a flabby old thing.  

And I always remember Frosty and Veronica, a very nice driver with a huge birthmark on her face.  He adored her and would roll on her feet, come running when he saw/smelled her, etc.  I always told her I wanted her to take him if something ever happened to us.  I have never minded if my cats had other friends. 

Work today.  My bosses (2 of them) said I could wear a skort to work the micromanaging one's head exploded when I asked.  I explained I am a "nice" middle aged Presbyterian evangelist I'm not going to wear something "wrong" (I didn't use the word but "slutty"), indicated the hem length on my leg (right above knee) they consulted and said that would be fine, and I reminded them it is a skort so it has a pair of shorts under the skirt as well.  I didn't tell them this but I wore it in front of my parents on a couple of occasions with no issues.  And if an 83 year old man doesn't have an issue I don't think they will.  

So that will be fun.  

Yesterday I wore a flowy romantic lace blouse, the kind with the ruffled cuffs and neckline.  It was a big hit with my coworkers, I got several compliments.   I could work in it very well but it wasn't cotton and didn't breathe as nicely as I would have liked.  

I also got my annual gourds.  I like to get the little pack of assorted small gourds and display them around the house.  I have them around my computer.  They are, to me, worth the $3.  They had some nice gourds at the pumpkin patch in CA but TX is a huge agricultural state and I didn't think it was "right" to bring them even if TSA would have let me (doubtful).  So I have Texas gourds.  

I'm going to take my shower.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

I saw Buddy again

 The drivers area has it's own individual climate control; but one notable thing about Buddy's bus it's very loud.  So he turned it off about halfway to the transit center so we could talk, and was asking me questions.  He told me he had a Vietnamese sandwich not far from where I live, it was very good, and he planned on going back.  All this driving along in traffic with no air (for him) sitting in the sun on a 100 degree day.  

Hm.  I likely won't see him until next Monday.  

Chet (what I am going to call the Crazy Train morning bus driver) said he really enjoyed the beef burgundy and was asking me a lot of questions today, very big change of pace for him.  

My friend got me a good deal on some $3 pants.  I have them in the washer (washer isn't too happy but still working).  Hopefully I can get them done before work tomorrow but worst case I will have them Thursday. 

I'm tired and going to bed early!   

An interesting morning

 Yesterday I gave 2 drivers a meal.  One, a man, not Buddy.  He is a nice looking guy about my age, trim (!), very quiet. But today he was asking me a lot of questions about myself and saying, repeatedly, how the food was so delicious.  Who knows?  I need to find out if he likes cats.  

And cats.  Spotty gave me a heart attack.  I went outside to take out the trash and I found Spotty laying in the street.  

I screamed and ran to him, he jumped up and ran away.  He was fine JUST AN IDIOT ORANGE BOY    I gave him a good scolding.  Over 20 years in that house and I 've never had such an idiot!  Ahh!  Blood pressure going up just thinking about it!  

Someone gave me a cash gift and told me to buy myself the graphic T-shirt I had been talking about "NOPE Not Going To Happen". Perfect for riding the bus!  

Monday, October 14, 2024

Taking chances

 "Would you like some green chili stew?"I asked a driver today.  He is a nice guy about my age.  "I hate cooking for just myself so I made extra". He was thrilled.  

I also brought some beef burgundy for C, a very nice male coworker who is a hard worker, loves cats, and an Army vet.  

I also brought some beef burgundy for my first driver, who recently lost her Mom. 

Nothing for Buddy.  He set a boundary "Don't bring me food" and I am going to respect that.  

Wow wow! A good night sleep and I woke up early with energy!

 For me sleeplessness is a Hallmark of a mania or a depression so this must be "normal".  

I got up and made sauce for my beef burgundy, out of the crock pot juices.  It turned out very well.  I just did the cornstarch trick.  Put some cold water in a glass pyrex in the freezer for about 15 minutes, put the juices in my tiny sauce pan, put 2 T cornstarch in the water and whisked well, got the juices up to boil, added the cornstarch slowly, let thicken for a few minutes while stirring.  

Then I cooked up some pasta for it.  I plan to get whole wheat pasta today though that will be much heartier.  

I ate some of the pasta with salt and olive oil only.  

Then I took out some of the green chili stew juices (not a whole lot there) and used them with some seasoning to make green chili rice.  That is still cooking.  

#6 is going to work now, it's 4:30.  Sucks to be him!  

Then I washed my little plastic containers, I had bought new ones.  Those can dry while I'm taking my shower and the rice finishes up (it's in a rice cooker so I can).  

Shower time.  I'm going to wash my hair with conditioner rather than shampoo - it works, I want to give the henna the maximum time.  I will shampoo it tomorrow.  

It's going to be a high of 97 today so I'm really glad I did my cooking now.