Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My meds are trying to make me a vegetarian

Yesterday was pretty typical: I got up at 4 AM, (did not do my God Time), went to work, came home, tried to take a nap (that didn't work out), and did some cleaning and organizing. 

I went to bed pretty early; when I got up I did get the shower and God Time. 

Salvation Army came today.  I decided to give them my coffee cups.  I have been collecting them since 1998, but I haven't "enjoyed" them in a long time.  They were clutter. They were that huge thing out in the garage.  I never looked at them or even made tea in them. 

I preferred my "Texas Wildflowers" mug.  I bought it at Walmart. 

Anyway, this morning, I mentioned I was thinking about getting rid of them.  Ron reminded me Salvation Army was coming.  Some lucky "thrifter", I thought, would love to get a ready-made collection. 

I did keep one "Heather" mug.  I forget who gave it to me, and Texas Wildflowers.  The rest went to Salvation Army, clearing out most of an entire kitchen cabinet, and a huge storage crate in the garage.  Good. 

I don't miss them. 

Now, in some circles that would be considered a huge red flag, giving away "my things".  Especially when I'm already depressed.  But I don't want a lot of stuff in my life.  I haven't enjoyed my collection in a very long time, over 10 years.  It was time to give it to someone who'd appreciate it. 

No regrets.  I also donated some art stuff and a tote bag I bought when I was manic. 

I watched TV until the heater repairman came.  He brought a new thermostat, which seems to have solved our issues.  I gave him a couple Bibles for his family.  He is a very nice man. 

The house is warm enough, I'm happy. 

My depression seems to have shifted: I am usually "loss of interest" and extreme fatigue.  Now we seem to have added anxiety (although not so bad the last couple days), and increased loss of interest.  I can't recall the last time I bought something online. 

We're getting into winter.  If I could have a day to do anything, what would I do?  Right now I would say sleep. 

I'll have to formulate a day out plan that involves more "fun". 

In the meantime, I'm fixing a lentil and mixed grains casserole.  I swear my meds are trying to make me a vegetarian.  Many times, a meal with meat just doesn't agree. 

Speaking of, Ron came to me complaining the manufacturer put potatoes in his gumbo.  "Ron" I told him "That's a Steak Bowl". 

"Oh" he replied, continuing his meal. 

I guess they "look" alike. 


Anonymous said...

Lol my husband is " sighted" and will say things like that " potatoes in gumbo" when i give him something else!
i eat several vegan days a week it does help my reflux to eat less fat and more complex carbs. Can you take Zantac with your meds? It is otc, and an antihistamine? I know some drugs affect you poorly but zantac sure helps my heartburn with out turning stools black. I worry you will mask a gi bleed with pepto? I dont see malox anymore but what about mylanta? It does what pepto does with out black poops? Just me being a mothah! I hate to saw it ..but i know when my reflux is acting upmit is because inam drinking anything but enough water. Fizzy drinks are awful for GERD there are great lists online of "foods to reduce GERD "
Been eating off those lists this month because stress+poor eating = bad GERD

Heather Knits said...

Proton pump inhibitors (basically all the new stomach pills) make me hallucinate.

I like the Pepto because I know it works.

I saw enough with Ron the next couple months that I think I'd spot significant blood in my stools. It looks a lot like a period.