Monday, July 7, 2014

You bet they are

I didn't sleep well last night, but I still hauled myself out of bed and did my God Time. 

Calvary Chapels (I don't know about other churches) have postcard sized photos of their missionaries, the name of the family and mission field listed on the card.  I think the church members are supposed to put them on the fridge. 

I take mine home and put it in my God Time Notebook - probably one of my most cherished posessions.  It's a bright purple.  "My" missionary gets the front cover, a family photo with his wife and child. 

I have photos of other missionaries - pretty much all the ones I can find.  They go in photo pages in the front of the notebook.  I have a drawing made by a child whose parents were murdered by militant muslims - to remind me to pray for persecuted Christians everywhere. 

My church prints prayer requests in the weekly bulletin, so I tear that out and put it behind the photos. 

Then I have the atlas.  It's about 40 pages, and sized to fit in a notebook.  I flip it open and point, then pray for that area every day. 

Then I have all my prayer requests written out, under headings: 
  •  Worldwide - general requests for world citizens and leaders.
  • All churches
  • People enslaved to addictions, family, friends, and loved ones. 
  • Service professionals, et al. 
  • Everyone on and offline.
  • Financial, prayer, and administrative supporters (of God's work)
  • Me
  • Ron
  • Gospel Distributors
  • General calling all my Christians list. 
  • Neighbors, coworkers, drivers.
  • Bad Guys & done me wrongs
  • Recipients (of evangelism and/or Bibles)
  • Evangelists and believers
Everyone's covered in at least one area.  It's very important to me - it's the daily, tangible, practice of my faith. 

I also do Bible Study every day.  I read chapters of the Bible every day and ask God to help me understand. 

I call the whole thing, collectively, God Time.  It's one of my first priorities when I wake up every day.  If I can't get it first, I do it before I get online in the evening. 

Anyway, I got that done.  I knew today would be long. 

I got to work to find nearly empty vending machines.  I helped Ron stock sodas, got the sandwiches, and at least got them out. 

We left and went to the warehouse. I got about 30 cases of soda and 10 cases of snack items.  I know sales are back when I'm buying chips in the hundreds. 

They didn't have any water, or Mountain Dew, which turned out to be good as we literally stuffed the pickup truck bed. 

I got hot and sweaty as I loaded the cart.  I had my ponytail folded up at the back of my head, I was wearing a baggy, modest, and pretty loud yellow-orange t-shirt.  I wore black, baggy, bermuda shorts. 

Two men came by at different points and flirted, seriously, with me, as I loaded the cart with soda.  Wha? 

I looked awful, hot and sweaty.  But, like a friend told me, I was working.  Apparently a fat, sweaty woman, wearing a back brace and glasses, doing physical labor, is sexy?  I don't understand.

At any rate, I got the truck loaded, then unloaded, loaded my carts, and got them into the building.  I stocked snacks immediately as Ron threw some sports drink in the freezer (we remembered, and they now have 3 different flavors).  After stocking snacks (which are now at 90%, I still need some candy and pastry), I put away all 28 (Ron had the sports drink chilling, and I'd put a bottled Sprite in the fridge) cases of drinks. 

Then I took off my back brace. It's a good tool, but oh, so HOT!  I threw it on one of my racks, now stuffed with drinks. 

Someone came by, complaining about the lack of sandwiches.  "Both food machines are fully stocked."  Oh, they are! 

You bet they are. 

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